Timothy Parks Construction, Inc. 941-270-2677
Here you'll find calculators to help you evaluate your home's energy use and need for energy-efficient improvements.Saving Energy
Energy Efficient Rehab Advisor
This tool provides guidelines and savings information for incorporating energy efficiency into renovation projects for single and multifamily housing. From the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentHome Energy Saver
Identify the best ways to save energy in your home. From the Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryInsulation
Zip Code Insulation Tool
Provides the most economic insulation level for new or existing houses. From the Oak Ridge National LaboratoryAppliance Cost Calculators
ENERGY STAR® Cost Calculators
Find product information and savings calculators for a wide array of ENERGY STAR products.Refrigerator Retirement Savings Calculator
Calculates potential savings from replacing an old refrigerator with a new ENERGY STAR refrigerator. From ENERGY STARWater Saving Technologies Cost Calculators
Find the lifetime energy savings of water saving technologies with varying efficiencies. From the U.S. Department of Energy
WaterWiser Drip Calculator
Measure and estimate the water wasted due to leaks. From the American Water Works AssociationSoftware
Building Energy Software Tools Directory
Features a list of software tools developed primarily for the buildings industry. From the U.S. Department of EnergyOther Resources
More calculators to help you evaluate renewable energy systems, space heating and cooling systems, and water heaters.
Also, see our information about home energy audits and analyzing your electricity loads.Printable Version
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